I don't know whether to laugh or to cry but what is shown here are not rare images I somehow managed to get. Sit in front of any News Channel for a few minutes and you are likely to bump into one such story yourself.
A few days back I happened to attend a conference where a colonel from the Indian Army spoke about how China had invaded India 3 times in the last couple of weeks but the media did not find the story worthy enough of becoming national headlines. After all they had to cover Aarushi murder case which had become the pulse of the nation. Everyone really really needed to know who had murdered the poor girl asap.
Or look at the case of Bangladeshi immigrants coming to Assam and driving away the locals there. There are now crores of Bangladeshi immigrants in India who have fake ration cards and voter IDs waiting for them as soon as they cross the border. The damage has been so immense that 11 out of 27 districts in Assam are now Muslim majority. The govt and the media has been sleeping on the issue since it is the ruling party which gains the vote bank. Why does this video not make national news.
wah wah jagao jagao
I know other instance when they unnecessarily tried to cover Rahul Gandhi for some useless news.. i dont remember the news ...
Media has to understand their responsibility in building a strong, fair, just and transparent nation....
I just hate the TOI (B&C) as a news paper as they definitely seem to have an hidden agenda to destroy Indian culture..
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